United We Climb is a JEDI (Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion) organisation within climbing and the outdoors.

We provide inclusive indoor and outdoor climbing opportunities for all.
Promoting equitable opportunities in UK Climbing through our work with climbers, communities and industry partners.


This is where you can get involved!

If you’re an underrepresented climber looking to further your experience, gain training or give climbing a go we’d love to see you at an event soon!

You can join us as an individual by joining our events, volunteering with us, or signing up to become a United We Climb Ambassador.

Marie Uri a black woman is leading a trad climb and placing gear


We work with a range of partners to deliver our projects.

From community groups to climbing gyms, to our corporate partners. Whether you are looking for more information on the community groups we work with or curious about how we could collaborate together. You’ll find all the information you need on our partners page.

Four people stand together laughing they are wearing grey Five Ten Tshirts and chalky climbing trousers with a blurry climbing gym behind them.

Make Climbing Inclusive

We’re developing resources, courses, training and other opportunities to make UK climbing more inclusive and accessible to all.

Find out about our current work and sign up to future resources through our resource hub.

A group of people stand together with their arms int the air in front of a peak district view.